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Last Week in Worship - ONE Church (Sept. 8, 2024)




by Lauren Thorn

On Sunday, September 8th, St. James celebrated with our ONE Church service at 10:30 am in the CLMC. The service included a wide range of music styles and celebrations that highlighted the diversity and growth within our congregation.

Pastor Becky Stephenson opened the service with announcements and made a passionate case for the church to support new Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults. Greg MacDaid shared more about the Ministry Fair held prior to the service and encouraged members to find a way to support the numerous ministries within the church and throughout our community.

As worship continued, the service included beautiful songs from our Choir and Praise Team as well as a baptism and welcoming new members into the congregation. Otisia Bryan was baptized, and George Okoth, Shamick Otieno, and Obed Rockson were welcomed as new members.

Pastor Tom Greener shared a compelling message that "when crisis hits, God shows us who He is" and encourages us to trust in Him. Finally, the service concluded with the Doxology and Benediction before transitioning the space over for lunch.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this special service and volunteered for set up, cooking, and cleaning up for the event!

Before the service we held a Ministries Fair, which had tables set up in our Commons and all the way to the Fellowship Hall, to promote and celebrate all the various ministries that St. James hosts and provides, so that others can be a part of them as well (more on this shortly). After the service was a meal prepared by our recently-formed St. James Culinary Team.

We give a special thank you to all who prepared and participated in everything this past Sunday morning.

Sep 12

2 min read