Class for 30-50 year-olds

Attention 30-50 year-olds! You are invited to join Pastor Dan for a New Sunday School Class. The class will begin on September 15, in Room 23 during the Sunday School class time from 10 to 10:45 a.m.
Plans are to have a once a month mission project while studying Carrying on the Mission of Jesus by J. Todd Kingrea. The book is a twelve-week study of the Book of Acts, examining the mission of the early church. Its premise is that God intended for the body of Christ to be exciting and dangerous, not fixed and apathetic.
For more information, contact Pastor Dan at dan@stjconnect.org. Class members will name the new class.
Class for 19-29 year-olds
A new class is forming for college age folks that is also set to begin on September 15. This class, led by Pastor Tom, will feature discussion and fellowship.
The topics of the class will be determined by the class members. For more information or to express interest in joining the class, email Pastor Tom at tom@stjconnect.org.
Class for High School Students
A teacher is needed to facilitate a Sunday School class for High School students. Please contact Pastor Kuda ASAP at kuda@stjconnect.org to join this vital ministry to our young people.