XYZ Trip to Edenton
Thu, Oct 24
|St. James United Methodist Church
XYZ is planning a trip to Edenton, NC on October 24

Time & Location
Oct 24, 2024, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
St. James United Methodist Church, 2000 E 6th St, Greenville, NC 27858, USA
About The Event
XYZ is planning a trip to Edenton, NC on October 24, leaving the church at 8 am October 24, arriving at Edenton at 9:30am, returning to Greenville 5pm.
$50 per person includes bus fare and hour long trolley tour. Lunch will be on the waterfront restaurant The Herringbone and each person covers the cost of their own meal. There is a Lighthouse tour available as an option that costs each…
Registration is by check made out to St. James UMC and “Edenton XYZ” written on memo line placed in offering basket or delivered to Jacob or Marianne at church. Call Kristin Ellison at 757-580-8423 or send an email () with any