This Wednesday, January 29, Greg MacDaid and his team will cook and serve.
On February 5, Becky Stephenson and her team will cook and serve. Please make your reservations for that meal by the end of Monday, February 3.
To register for TGIW meals, simply call the church office at 252-752-6154. If you or your organization would like to prepare a meal for TGIW, email Chris Garcia.

There is still time to register!
To read longer descriptions of each class and to sign up now, please click HERE.
You can also sign up by calling the church office at 252-752-6154.
Classes for Adults (in alphabetical order)
Another Turn of the Crank: Discussions on Environment Conservation Topics
Led by 'Lizabeth Collins
Join conversations on the environmental conservation topics addressed by Wendell Berry in Another Turn of the Crank. This little book of six essays was published twenty years ago, but is still very relevant today.
"The Chosen," Part 4
Led by Rev. Johnny Branch
In this class that will run for 90 minutes, not 60, participants will watch episodes of "The Chosen," then participate in a discussion. "The Chosen" is a groundbreaking drama about Jesus. See Him through the eyes of those who knew Him.
Journey of Faith
Led by Becky Stephenson
This class for long-time members and new members would like to review or learn more about the Bible, how the church functions, and what it means to live a Christian life. It begins looking at God, the Bible and how it was put together, church history, Methodist history, St. James UMC history, and components of worship. You will get to learn many new things, including a systematic theology of how we learn and understand Scripture and apply it to our lives today.
Why am I So Busy?
Led by Marianne Leventry
“Why am I so busy?” Have you ever asked that question? Have you ever tried to answer it? When we are so busy we miss out on seeing what God is doing. Contemplation is a way to slow down and awaken to God's presence. In this contemplative TGIW time, we will read scripture slowly, breathe slowly, and spend time praying and just being.
The Widening of God’s Mercy: Sexuality within the Biblical Story
Led by Rev. Tom Greener and Lester Zeager
The class will discuss a recent book by Christopher B. and Richard B. Hays that connects stories in the Old and New Testaments that reveal a pattern in how God deals with humans—a widening of God’s mercy. The stories reveal a dynamic and surprising God who changes course to bring about a reconciliation between God and humans.
The Year of the Bible
Led by Rev. Dan Baer
Pastor Dan will lead discussions about the biblical text that was preached the previous Sunday during the preaching series on the Year of the Bible. If time allows, the group will discuss any particular verses brought up by class members.
Classes for Children and Youth
Children: Junior Jesus Notes
Kristine Nelson will lead children in grades K through 5 in play, music, arts, crafts, and Bible Study.
Youth: Gaming for God
Pastor Kuda will lead youth through a devotion then game playing with basketball or board games.
Children and Youth Choir, "One Voice," 6:30 p.m.
Dr. James Franklin will lead this new combined choir of older children and youth that will meet at 6:30 p.m.