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Community Crossroads Center




The Shelter Ministry - Help Feed the Homeless on Two Sundays per Month

A Note from Shelter Ministry Leader Greg MacDaid

We were blessed to have a working griddle top and coffeemaker, and the serving went well during last Sunday's meal. Many of the people who had been outside have either found shelter elsewhere or have been allowed into the Community Crossroads Center.

We will be serving breakfast two times this coming month to continue this work.

October 20

October 27

We begin gathering between 5:45 and 6 a.m. to service on those days at the Community Crossroads Center on Manhattan Avenue in Greenville. We park around the back at the volunteer entrance near the blue container.

We need folks to cook, clean, prep plates, visit with residents, pour juice, and whatever other skills you have. All are welcome, and the more we have the easier it goes.

On September 29 at 12:30 p.m., our team has been invited to lunch at the church Fellowship Hall to meet with our Associate Pastor Dan Baer. He will discuss the idea of Mission Communities at the church and the vision of having a team that is supported by the church in many ways and to communicate with agencies outside of the church to strengthen our work even more.

Our group has been selected to be a Beta group to see if it is an idea we can move through the whole mission vision.

Please email me to volunteer at the shelter:

Sep 3, 2024

1 min read





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